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Per ulteriori informazioni  

Bronzetto nuragico ermafrodita rappresentante la dea sumero-accadica Astarte VII - VI sec. a.c. Ittiri, Sardegna. Prototipo di mamuthones



A bronze itafalic figure of a Hermafroditis from the person of the schumero-akkadic Goddess  Astarte /Ishart/ VI-VII CB from Ittiriti, Sardinia, prototype of Mamutones

Statuetta in terracotta  del V sec. a.c.  ritrovata a Panticapeum  l’odierna Kerc  in Crimea, rappresentante un adepto (con fallo pendente),  dei culti dionisiaci antisterici. Prototipo dei campanacci conici portati dai kukeri e dai mamuthones.



Terracotta – itafalic figure of an actor participant in the Dionisii’s antesteries with a movable falos from Vth century CB / as those seen by Herodotus during the same time in Egypt./ that was found in the Pantikapeum / today’s Kerch – a peninsula at The Black Sea/ a prtotype of  the conic rings, carried by Mamutones and Kukeri.

Statuetta in terracotta del V sec. a.c.  ritrovata ad Apollonia l’odierna Sozopol nel mar Nero - Bulgaria, rappresentante un adepto dei culti dionisiaci antisterici. Prototipo dei kukeri maschili  gravidi  e dei campanacci sferici portati dai kukeri e dai mamuthones.


Terracotta – itafalic figure of an actor participant in the Dionisii’s antesteries that was found in the cult fire of the necropolis of Apolonia /today’s Sozopol at the Black Sea – Bulgaria/ from V CB – a prototype of the pregnant Kukeri men and of spherical rings, carried by the Kukeri and Mamutones.



